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“We’re on a mission from God”… So said the Blues Brothers in their cult classic film. However, we believe that we are ALL on a mission from God! Jesus said, “Go into all the world and make disciples…” And that’s what we seek to do.  We encourage each member to be a personal witness to the life-changing power of Jesus Christ, both verbally and by example.

We believe in culturally relevant evangelism. Traditions have value; they provide a connection with our heritage and represent the accumulated wisdom of those who have gone before us. However, we recognise that in today’s rapidly changing world, methods must be continually re-examined in order that we may effectively communicate to people in their cultural context.

While the content of the gospel message does not change, and must not be compromised or obscured, we encourage creativity, innovation, and flexibility in how that message is communicated. From time to time, we organise different activities, ranging from low key events, to directly sharing the message of Good News that Jesus called us to share. We encourage people to invite friends to concerts, meals, and other non-threatening social activities where they might meet other people from church. We encourage people gradually to invite their friends to events that give opportunity to hear and understand the gospel. We sometimes run courses like “Alpha” and "Christianity Explored",  where people can air their doubts and questions with the view to finding answers.

Of course, the mission Jesus called us to was not just preaching, but demonstrating the Good News through practical care and love for those in need. We have a Food Bank and a community lunch. Some Granton folk get involved in the Bethany Care Van where the homeless are clothed and fed. Some are involved in Street Pastors, caring for young folk involved in late night club culture ion the centre of town.

We also have a Wellbeing Space, every Wednesday from 1 – 3 pm in the main church building. “A place where it’s OK not to be OK”. This is a quiet space with hobbies, activities, a friendly smile and a cuppa. Come along. The kettle is on. You’ll be very welcome.


As a community of Christ-followers, we seek to live according to His teaching – to be shaped by the Good News He preached. We don’t always get it right, and we may let each other down, but that’s how we learn to forgive. We’re not perfect yet! HOWEVER ….. we seek to follow Him and be shaped by the Gospel. 


99 Crewe Road North,

Edinburgh EH5 2NW

Lothian Buses numbers 19, 38, 47, x29 and x37 stop outside the Church, 21 and 27 stop nearby on Ferry Road. 


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